In this research area, we focus on investigating different personality traits that are of central importance for forming and experiencing interpersonal interactions. These traits include jealousy, sociosexuality, sensory processing sensitivity, and loneliness. Our main goal is to gain a deeper understanding of the interplay of these personality traits and to unravel their influence on social interactions by using complex analytical methods, such as structural equation modeling, profile analyses, and network models. A further focus of our work lies on the precise measurement (validation of measurement instruments) and operationalization (e.g., examination in virtual reality) of these constructs to increase their reliability and validity.
Current Studies on this Research Area:
Gubler, D. A., Schlegel, K., Richter, M., Kapanci, T., & Troche, S. J. (2023). The green-eyed monster in social media–Development and validation of a digital jealousy scale. Psychological Test Adaptation and Development, 4(1), 13-27.
Richter, M., Schlegel, K., Thomas, P., & Troche, S. J. (2022). Adult attachment and personality as predictors of jealousy in romantic relationships. Frontiers in Psychology, 13, 861481.
Roth, M., Gubler, D. A., Janelt, T., Kolioutsis, B., & Troche, S. J. (2023). On the feeling of being different–an interview study with people who define themselves as highly sensitive. PLOS ONE, 18(3), e0283311.
Troche, S. J., & Herzberg, P. Y. (2017). On the role of dominance and nurturance in the confluence model: A person‐centered approach to the prediction of sexual aggression. Aggressive Behavior, 43(3), 251-262.
Waldis, L., Herzberg, P. Y., Herold, J., Nothhelfer, K., Krebs, J., & Troche, S. (2023). Predictors of sexual aggression among gay men and lesbian women: An application of Malamuth's confluence model. Aggressive Behavior, 49(2), 154-164.